新碟歌词充斥烦恼痛苦 像给乐迷遗书(图)

发布 : 2017-7-22  来源 : 明报新闻网



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【明报专讯】睽违3年Linkin Park刚于5月发行最新专辑《One More Light》,如今变成Chester Bennington的绝唱,收录歌曲《Heavy》及《Nobody Can Save Me》亦被视为Chester宣泄烦恼痛苦的工具,有乐迷对于未能及时「拯救」他于水深火热中表示遗憾。

例如《Heavy》歌词不断重复:「Why is everything so heavy? If I just let go, I'd be set free(为何每件事情都那么沉重?如果我学懂放下,我便自由了)」至于《Nobody Can Save Me》更像他向世人发出的求救讯号,「For answers yet to come, I chose a false solution(还未有答案,所以我选择了错误的解决方式)」,难怪有网民说,新碟就像Chester留给乐迷的遗书。


I'm holding on

Why is everything so heavy?

Holding on

So much more than I can carry

I keep dragging around what's bringing me down

If I just let go, I'd be set free

Holding on

Why is everything so heavy?

■《Nobody Can Save Me》

But nobody can save me now

I'm holding up a light

I'm chasing out the darkness inside

'Cause nobody can save me

Stared into this illusion

For answers yet to come

I chose a false solution

But nobody proved me wrong

Headfirst hallucination
