DIY:Baked egg in avocado(组图)

发布 : 2020-2-19  来源 : 明报新闻网



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【明报专讯】Have you ever tried an avocado (牛油果)? Avocados are nutritious because they are loaded with vitamins and dietary fibre. They can be eaten raw or baked!




˙An avocado

˙two eggs

(1) Preheat the oven to 220℃.

(2) Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit (果核). Use a spoon to make a hole in each half of the avocado. The hole should be big enough to hold an egg.

(3) Put the avocado in a bowl or on a baking dish.

(4) Crack an egg into each half of the avocado. Season with salt and pepper.

(5) Bake for about 15 minutes until the egg white is set (凝固) but the yolk is still runny.

◆Quick tips

˙Ripe avocados are easier to use and better in taste.

˙You may add your favourite toppings such as bacon, cheese, cherry tomatoes, etc.

˙Cut off a small piece of the bottom of the avocados or wrap some aluminum foil (锡纸) around them to keep them upright.


nutritious (adj) 营养丰富的

dietary fibre (n) 膳食纤维

raw (adj) 没煮的

ripe (adj) 熟的

[Smarties' Power English 第269期]