Grammar:Stative verbs(组图)

发布 : 2020-2-19  来源 : 明报新闻网



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【明报专讯】Pat passed out during the PE lesson and MoMo is worried. What's wrong with her?

MoMo: How are you feeling now, Pat? Do you want to eat something?

Pat: (1) I am better now, thank you. But I will skip lunch. (2) I am on a diet.

MoMo: What? The doctor said we should eat more during puberty in the health talk last week. You are definitely not eating enough!

Pat: (3) But you know I always adore the supermodels I see on TV. (4) They look slim and fabulous.

MoMo: Silly Pat! The supermodels shine not because they keep themselves fit! (5) I agree they are fabulous but it is because they are confident, not just fit!

Stative verbs are different from action verbs. We use stative verbs to describe the state (状态) of someone or something, not the action. Because of the special usage, stative verbs seldom appear in continuous form (-ing).

e.g. I am thinking I like ice cream. ( ╳ Wrong )

I think I like ice cream. ( ˇ correct )

I thought I like ice cream. ( ˇ correct )

e.g. He is being alive. ( ╳ Wrong )

He is alive. ( ˇ correct )

Types/Examples/See table

■Gear up

Fill in the blanks with the correct tenses.

think / love / taste

(1) I ______ he has stolen your bag.

(2) My mom made me a pancake and it ______ good.

(3) Jenny practices singing every day because she ______music.

(Answers on next text)


pass out (phr v) 晕倒

definitely (adv) 肯定地

fabulous (adj) 极其美好的

confident (adj) 自信的

[Smarties' Power English 第269期]