Jin Yong: The Legendary Novelist(组图)

发布 : 2024-4-24  来源 : 明报新闻网



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Sculptures of characters in Cha's novel Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils(《天龙八部》) are now being showcased in Hong Kong Heritage Museum.


【明报专讯】To commemorate the 100th birthday of the famous martial arts novelist Jin Yong(金庸), a special exhibition has been staged by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum. The exhibition shows the sculptures of Jin Yong's characters, which are sculpted by renowned sculptor Ren Zhe(任哲).

Ren made use of his unique sculptural techniques, exquisite craftsmanship and visionary creativity to bring 22 of Jin Yong's well-known characters including Guo Jing, Huang Rong(黄蓉), Yang Guo(杨过) to life.

Who is Jin Yong?

Under the pseudonym Jin Yong, Dr Louis Cha Leung-yung (查良镛) is a literary giant who wrote 15 novels with over 1400 characters, which were the collective memory of the Chinese people of Hong Kong and the world. Jin Yong's foray into martial arts fiction began in the late 1950s when he published his first serialized novel, The Book and the Sword (《书剑恩仇录》) .This marked the beginning of a prolific writing career that would span decades and produce numerous masterpieces. Jin Yong's novels were set in ancient China, exploring the wu xia (martial heroes,武侠) culture and the complex human's world.

Together with another three talented individuals who have made significant contributions to the cultural landscape of Hong Kong, Dr Cha is regarded as one of the Four Literary Masters of Hong Kong (香港四大才子). They are often celebrated for their achievements in various fields, including literature, art, and academia. And their works has shaped the popular culture of Hong Kong and influences lives of every Hong Kong people.

The exhibition in the Hong Kong Heritage Museum will run until October 7 with free admission. Another exhibition will be on display at Edinburgh Place, Central, from March 15 to July 2, showcasing 10 sculptures of Jin Yong's iconic characters. Make sure to pay a visit to the exhibitions and borrowing their marvellous work from the library!


Have you read Jin Yong's work before? Match the characters with correct series!

(See the picture)

A. Guo Jing (郭靖).

B. Huang Rong (黄蓉).

C. Feng Qingyang (风清扬).

D. Linghu Chong (令狐冲).

E. Ren Woxing (任我行).

F. Xiaolongnu (小龙女).

.1. The Legend of the Condor Heroes (《射雕英雄传》)

.2. The Return of the Condor Heroes (《神雕侠侣》)

.3. The Smiling, Proud Wanderer (《笑傲江湖》)

(Answers on next text)

■Gear up

The last serialized novel of Dr Cha is The Book and the Sword. (True/ False)

(Answer on next text)


commemorate (v) 纪念

pseudonym (n) 笔名

foray (n) 初次尝试

prolific (adj) 作品丰富的

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[Smarties' Power English 第408期]