
发布 : 2020-11-25  来源 : 明报新闻网



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【明报专讯】We have seen tonnes of information about COVID-19 on television or from newspapers, but how well do you know about the severity of it? The World Health Organisation(WHO) issues reports on the current situation of COVID-19 on a weekly basis. Let's learn more about the pandemic.

1. Among the 54 million reported cases around the world, which region/continent has the most reported case number?

The Americas! There are a total of 23 million cumulative cases, according to the report released on 17 November, 2020.

2. Is there a vaccine for COVID-19?

Not yet. Many potential vaccines for COVID-19 are being studied.

3. How many lives has COVID-19 taken?

Around 1.3 million lives! COVID-19 has taken many lives, especially those with severe health conditions or long-term illnesses. As WHO Director-General Dr Tedroes stressed, leaders must take immediate action to prevent further unnecessary deaths.

4. What are the symptoms of COVID-19 ?

Common symptoms:


˙Dry cough

˙Fatigue (疲劳)

Other symptoms that are less common and may affect some patients include:

˙Loss of taste or smell

˙Sore throat


˙Muscle or joint pain



Although it has been almost 11 months since the first case of COVID-19 emerged in Hong Kong, we should keep alert on personal hygiene and infection control. Are you already used to wearing a mask to school and going out? What is your opinion on infection control policies?


severity (n) 严重

cumulative (adj) 累积的

vaccine (n) 疫苗

symptom (n) 病徵

[Smarties' Power English 第294期]