Comic:Alexander the Great(图)

发布 : 2020-12-02  来源 : 明报新闻网



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【明报专讯】Eason sent a challenge letter to the Smarties.

“ Eason: Ha! Ha! The Smarties won't be able to find me this time! ”

“ MoMo: Hey! Look at this! A challenge from Eason! ”

“ Bill: Alexandria? Which Alexandria? ”

“ Dr Panda: Right! It seems that there are twenty cities named Alexandria. ”

“ Pat: Are we finally going to lose to Eason? ”

“ MoMo, Bill: Oh, no! ”

◆Know more

Alexander III (356 BC - 323 BC) became king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia (马其顿王国) when he was 20 years old. He inherited an experienced army and a strong kingdom from his father Philip II. He is called Alexander the Great because he was a great military leader. He expanded his empire by winning every battle.

After conquering much of Asia and Europe, he created one of the largest empires of the ancient world. He named at least 20 cities after himself in different parts of the world. He successfully spread Greek culture and is considered one of the most influential military leaders.

???nglish highway:It seems that

We can use ''It seems that'' to show our guess or thought.

e.g. It seems that she is busy.

It seems that he wants to leave.


inherit (v) 继承

experienced (adj) 有经验的

expand (v) 扩大

influential (adj) 有影响的

[Smarties' Power English 第295期]